Hi it's me. I haven't blogged about myself lately I really haven't a reason. I am surfing blog sites and enjoying them.
I have been working on St. Patrick Day wall hanging which I completed. Now I am on to completing a Leprechaun Banner.
I haven't got a good camera yet to show some of my projects, hopefully I will have one soon.
My problem with finishing a project comes when it is time to quilt it. I am ok at hand quilting but I can only do it for a short time. I am always nervous when I machine quilt because I am not good at it, although I took a chance on my St Pat's Day wall hanging and did a little free motion on it and was pleased.
A couple of weekends ago I went on a bus trip with a group of quilters to the New Jersey Quilt Show. The quilts were great,the vendors were great, and I enjoyed the variety of quilts they had. Even better than all that I got to spend time with my sister who is also a quilter.
Last Saturday was Party With Patrick at Yankee Quilter. Each month members get a disc with a quilting project and a couple of recipes. Barbara and Cheryl (owners of Yankee Quilter) make the recipes for that month. The members show their completed projects and of course it is oo and ah time.
Now I am off to help my grandson with a project on Abraham Lincoln.
I hope to have more completed project when I next blog.